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dc.contributor.authorUğurlu, Mustafa
dc.contributor.authorUtku Bilici, Özlem
dc.contributor.authorDaloğlu, Ayşegül
dc.description.abstractWith the current position of the English language in the globalized world, individuals from different backgrounds meet on the common ground of English, which serves the function of lingua franca. In this connection, currently, a variety of Englishes are in sight, and each speaker contributes to these varieties with his or her cultural being. Considering the limited number of research studies focusing on curriculum design in the field of world Englishes and interculturality, the present study aims at designing a curriculum for a potential world Englishes and intercultural communication course by obtaining the views of ELT academics and ELT undergraduate students. Survey research model was adopted in the current research study, and data were collected through two online questionnaires. The initial questionnaire was the primary data collection tool and filled by 28 ELT academics and 25 undergraduate students, whereas the follow-up survey was administered to 2 ELT professors, 2 EFL instructors and 3 ELT undergraduate students. Descriptive statistics were computed to analyse the quantitative data, and the qualitative data were analysed using the bottom-up approach. The items selected by more than half of the participants in each group were included in the course curriculum. than half of the participants in each group were included in the course curriculum.en_US
dc.subjectLanguage Curriculum Designen_US
dc.subjectWorld Englishesen_US
dc.subjectIntercultural Communicationen_US
dc.subjectEnglish Language Teachingen_US
dc.titleCurriculum Design for a World Englishes and Intercultural Communication Course: Survey Researchen_US
dc.contributor.departmentALKÜ, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu, Yabancı Diller Bölümüen_US
dc.relation.journalGazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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