Pedestrian’s utilizations of footbridge in Kano-Nigeria
Pedestriancrossing facilities such as crosswalk, pedestrian foot bridges overpass and underpassat intersection or midblock with crossing facilities are designed to separatepedestrians from the moving vehicles hence improving safety of the pedestrians.Questionnaire survey was used to determine the factors influencing use and utilizationof foot bridge by pedestrians in Kano city, Nigeria. The survey results showthat 70% of the respondents were frequent users of the bridge while 30% werefound not be using it. Analysis of the survey result shows that age and genderwere statistically significant in the utilisation of the bridge with p-value of0.041 and 0.002 respectively while education level was found to be statisticallyinsignificant p-value = 0.688. The major reasons influencing pedestrian to usethe bridge were safety (66%), barricades (25%), then traffic flow (9%). For thepedestrians that does not use the bridge, they describe the bridge height(38.5%) as the major reason for not using the bridge followed by poor design ofthe ramps (26.5%). Improving the design of the bridges and using escalatorswill surely enhance use of the foot bridges by the pedestrians in Kano city. Pedestrian crossing facilities such as crosswalk,pedestrian footbridges overpass, and under-pass at intersection or midblockwith crossing facilities are designed to separate pedestrians from the movingvehicles hence improving safety of the pedestrians. Questionnaire survey wasused to determine the factors influencing the use and utilization of footbridgeby pedestrians in Kano city, Nigeria. The survey results show that 70% of therespondents were frequent users of the bridge while 30% were found not be usingit. Analysis of the survey result shows that age and gender were statisticallysignificant in the utilization of the bridge with a p-value of 0.041 and 0.002respectively while education level was found to be statistically insignificantp-value = 0.688. The major reasons influencing pedestrian to use the bridgewere safety (66%), barricades (25%), then traffic flow (9%). For thepedestrians that do not use the bridge, they describe the bridge height (38.5%)as the major reason for not using the bridge followed by poor design of theramps (26.5%). Improving the design of the bridges and using escalators willsurely enhance use of the footbridges by the pedestrians in Kano city.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri DergisiCilt