Effects of Farm Manure, Vermicompost and Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Fruit Quality in Watermelon
This study was conducted in 2018, under open field conditions inAdıyaman Province of Turkey to determine the effects of farm manure,vermicompost and plant growth regulators on yield and some fruitquality parameter of watermelon. Matured farm manure,vermicompost and three different plant growth regulators (Crop-Set,Endoroots and ISR-2000) were used to compare with control (notfertilizers applied) application. Vermicompost, farm manure,Endoroots, ISR-2000 and Crop-Set were applied to the plants at 150kg, 2 tons, 250 g, 60 cc and 90 cc da-1 doses, respectively. The highestyield result was obtained from Endoroots application (11.630 tons da1). Fruit weight varied between 2.93 (control) kg and 5.01 kg(vermicompost). Higher results were observed from vermicompostapplication for fruit weight, fruit width, fruit height, phenolic. TotalSoluble Solids (TSS) was recorded statistically significant forEndoroots application. Applied plant growth regulators, farm manureand vermicompost fertilizers had significant effects on pomologicaland phenological characteristics of watermelon under semi-aridconditions. The highest results have been determined from Endorootsand vermicompost applications. As a result of this study, Endoroots(250 g da-1) and vermicompost (150 kg da-1) fertilizers can be concludedas a beneficial application for watermelon cultivation.
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