Assessment of natural radioactivity and radiological risk of sediment samples in Karacaören II dam Lake, Isparta/Turkey

Apaydın, GökhanKöksal, Oğuz Kağan
Cengiz, Erhan
Tıraşoğlu, Engin
Baltaş, Hasan
Karabulut, Kazım
Söğüt, Ömer
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This research aimedto assess natural radioactivity levels in lake sediment of Karacaören II Dam.In this study sediment samples were collected from 12 station of lake in May,2016. The natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were measured with a coaxialHPGe detector (Canberra, GC 1519 model) of 15% relative efficiency and aresolution of 1.9 keV at the 1332 keV gamma of 60Co. In order to assess the radiological hazards resulting from naturalradioactivity, radium equivalent activities (Raeq), absorber dose rate (D), internal (Hin)and external (Hex) hazard index,annual effective dose rate (AED) andExcess life time cancer risk (ELCR)were calculated and compared with recommended values of internationalorganizations.
ALKÜ Fen Bilimleri DergisiCilt
NSP2018 Özel SayıBağlantı