Browsing by Author "Özen, Özkan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Analysis of cerebellum with magnetic resonance 3D T1 sequence in individuals with chronic subjective tinnitus
Şahin, Caner; Avnoğlu, Seda; Özen, Özkan; Candan, Belce (Springer Heidelberg, 2020)Tinnitus is a symptom in which the patient can hear ringing, buzzing and similar sounds in the ear for 3 months longer. In our study, we aimed to analyse the cerebellum volume and cerebellum connections in patients with ... -
Assessment rate of true dorsogluteal intramuscular drug injection using ultrasonography
Özen, Özkan; Günaydin, Mücahit; Tosun, Alptekin; Coşkun, Zafer Ünsal; Aytekin, Kürşad; Takır, Selçuk (Professional Medical Publications, 2019)Objective: Medications are generally administered by either the enteric or parenteral route. With parenteral administration, intramuscular (IM) is the preferred approach because it increases the bioavailability of the drug, ... -
Bilateral Alt Ekstremite Ameli: Olgu Sunumu
Ameli bir ekstremitenin tamamen olmaması anlamına gelir. Bu anomali izole olabileceği gibi multipl konjenital anomalilerin bir parçası olarak da bulunabilir. Ender görülen ve genellikle etyolojisi saptanamayan bir durumdur. ... -
Bilateral post-traumatic facial paralysis that contains longitudinal and transverse temporal fracture
Şahin, Caner; Özen, Özkan (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2018)Acute bilateral post-traumatic facial paralysis is rare in the literature. Post-traumatic facial paralysis is frequently accompanied transverse fractures of temporal more. The incidence of acute bilateral post-traumatic ... -
The bone mineral density values of women in Alanya and regional Turkish community: Cross-sectional comparative study
Gülcü, Anıl; Özen, Özkan (Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi, 2018)Aim: In this study; we aimed to investigate the BMD values of healthy Turkish women living in Alanya and the region and to compare them with the studies performed in different regions of our country. Methods: The DXA results ... -
Common carotid artery bifurcation aneurysm mimicking glomus caroticum
Etli, Mustafa; Şahin, Caner; Özen, Özkan (2019)Patients with extracranial carotid aneurysms may apply to Ear, Nose and Throat clinics with complaints of pulsatile mass in the neck, neurological symptoms or tinnitus. Glomus caroticum is one of the most common diagnoses ... -
Correlation of clinical findings with computed tomography in orbital traumas
Aslan, Fatih; Özen, Özkan (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019)Background: Although the eye is a well-protected organ, it is frequently affected by trauma. The timely detection of ocular injuries is extremely important. In this study, the authors evaluated the consistency between ... -
Ectopic partial intrahepatic gallbladder: Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings
Özen, Özkan; Habibi, Mani; Yüksel Yavuz (Medical Sciences University of Teheran, 2019)Ectopic gallbladder (GB) is a very rare anomaly. Ectopic GB can be found in intrahepatic, suprahepatic, retrohepatic, retroperitoneal sites as well as in falciform ligament, intra-abdominal wall, left abdominal quadrant ... -
The effect of intracerebral structure volumes on idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Özkal, Birol; Özen, Özkan (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021)Background This aim of this study was to assess the effect of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) in the development of intracranial hypertension by measuring patients' cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), brain, and segment ... -
Evaluation of the mastoid missary canals with computerized tomography in patients with chronic otitis media
Özen, Özkan; Şahin, Caner (Thieme Medical Publ Inc, 2020)Background The mastoid emissary veins (MEVs) pass through the mastoid emissary canal-mastoid foramen (MEC-MF) in the mastoid region of the skull. MEVs can give rise to complications during surgical procedures. The purpose ... -
An evaluation using colored doppler ultrasonography of central retinal artery hemodynamics in the healthy eye in individuals with late monocular blindness
Özen, Özkan; Aslan, Fatih (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020)Structural and functional changes occur in the brain after vision losses. The purpose of the present study was to investigate central retinal artery (CRA) hemodynamics in the healthy eye of individuals developing late ... -
Exposure to live in geographically steep terrain decreases patella height and increases the incidence of patella baja
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the effect of the geographical conditions on patellar height. Methods: Two different groups of the same society were created according to the geographical structures that people ... -
Frontal Recess Morphology and Frontal Sinus Cell Pneumatization Variations on Chronic Frontal Sinusitis
Orhan Kubat, Gözde; Özen, Özkan (2023)Objective: The morphology and anatomical structure of the frontal sinus and recess are quite complex. The assessment of sinus ventilation is important in understanding the pathophysiology of chronic frontal sinusitis. The ... -
Gergin Omurilik Sendromu ve Tip I Ayrık Omurilik Malformasyonu Birlikteliği
Gergin omurilik sendromu; doğumsal veya edinsel nedenlerle omuriliğin gerilmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan ilerleyici nörolojik, ürolojik ve ortopedik fonksiyon kayıplarıyla karakterize bir hastalık grubudur. Nadiren, başlangıçta ... -
Giant colonic lipoma causing intussusception: CT scan and clinical findings
Özen, Özkan; Güler, Yılmaz; Yüksel, Yavuz (African Field Epidemiology Network-Afenet, 2019)Colonic lipomas are uncommon and usually asymptomatic tumors. A 30-year-old woman with abdominal pain lasting 10 days was admitted to the surgical clinic. Her physical examination revealed sensitivity on the right upper ... -
Hypovolemic shock due to giant ovarian tumor rupture after minor trauma: A case report
Rupture of gynecologic tumors secondary to trauma rarely occurs. Rupture can lead to acute abdominal pain due to hemorrhage from the ruptured area and organs; rupture can also lead to peritonitis, depending on the size of ... -
Maksiller sinüste osteom: Olgu sunumu
Kubat, Gözde Orhan; Şahin, Caner; Özen, Özkan (2018)Maksiller sinüste osteom, literatürde nadiren izlenen osteoblastik benign kemik lezyondur. Osteom büyük boyutlar ulaştığı zaman maksiller sinüs ostiumunda tıkanmaya, çevre yapılarda basıya neden olabilir; küçük boyutlarda ... -
Maksillofasiyal bölgede ateşli silah yaralanması
Şahin, Caner; Özen, Özkan (2018)Baş boyun bölgesi birçok önemli anatomik yapılar içermesi nedeniyle özellik arz etmektedir. Karotis arterleri, juguler ven, kafa sinirleri, intrakraniyal yapılar travmalara karşı tehdit altındadır. Maksillofasiyal bölge ... -
Morphometric evaluation of cerebellar structures in late monocular blindness
Özen, Özkan; Aslan, Fatih (Springer, 2020)Background Only a few studies have investigated structural and functional changes in monocular blind individuals. Our aim in this study was to segmentally investigate the cerebellar structures of subjects with late-onset ... -
Nazal Septal Deviasyon ve Fasiyal Asimetri Arasındaki İlişkinin Tomografi Analizi
Kubat, Gözde Orhan; Özen, Özkan (2022)Amaç: Fasiyal asimetri hem işlevsel hem de estetik sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Nazal septal deviasyon derecesinin dikkate alındığı az sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, nazal septal deviasyon ile fasiyal ...